Upcoming events.
ASK ME ANYTHING with Selina Lim
Hear Selina talk about her career to date, and learn about her experience representing EAST at this year’s Canneseries Writers Club in France.

ASK ME ANYTHING with Alexandra Finlay (Shaftesbury)
The next in EAST’s ASK ME ANYTHING series will be an opportunity to speak to Alexandra Finlay of Shaftesbury.
This is another opportunity to increase your industry awareness and learn about how scripted programming is created and produced, with particular insight into international co-productions, and how global partnerships are forged to facilitate the successful development of scripted content.

SPEED MEETINGS for ESEA Heritage Month
EAST’s version of speed dating
Speed meetings for EAST members with producers and other industry execs.

ASK ME ANYTHING with Yi Qiao (ZDF Studios)
EAST’s first industry event for BESEAs working in scripted television.
Meet the Distributor and ask all those questions you’ve been too afraid to bring up. Yi Qiao, Director of Drama for ZDF Studios will answer them here. Followed by networking drinks.